There are several ways for you to get into contact with me. Except via telephone. Not a big fan and I rarely make exceptions.
You can contact me via email. You’ll have to do some work here.
—–> richard [at]
—–> richard.maloley [at]
(encrypted by default)
My primary social media forum is the Mastodon server. The musings there will be a heavy mix of technical, personal, political, and everything in between.
My professional social media is LinkedIn. Feel free to connect with me.
—–> LinkedIn
You can also find me on Signal. I’m not posting that phone number here. If you know you know. If you need to know then email me first.
—–> Email Me
You can also reach me on Twitter. I only use Twitter (it is not X) to browse for infosec/political news. I no longer post content on Twitter. I just don’t know how long Twitter will be a viable platform.
—–> @RichardRRCC